Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First Blog from a Second Thought.

So we eat a lot of stuff we probably shouldn't. Now some of it is coming back to kick our asses. Birds gave us bird flu. Pigs: swine flu. Cows: anthrax. Spinach and tomatoes: recent issues and the list goes on. I hope the names for these things get a bit more creative, next up is-Tofu Flu.

It got me thinking about some other stuff happening lately. Six months ago if you missed your car payment, they would enthusiastically take that shit away from you. They might even make fun of you. Now, they all have the same "guarantee" that they care and would never, ever do that. They just robbed the people blind. What a bunch of ...

What if no one, I mean, NO ONE paid their taxes? What would they do? What if everyone told the credit card companies to EAT IT? What could they do? We need to find our motivation as a country and STOP IT. If someone broke into your house and took your big ass TV and Cable box and told you that YOU bought it for THEM by working really hard you would put your foot so far up their ass their breath would be smellin' and most likely gellin'.

I got a phone call. I answer and am are immediately put on hold for the next available douche bag. I was so furious, who calls someone and puts them on hold when they answer? I knew what it was about, Citi bank was calling for some money. I told them to get it from the CEO, and if he refused, I was pretty sure I was getting a bailout from the government. It would be much cheaper than the millions they gave to the morons, and I wouldn't spend it on hookers and blow, okay, maybe hookers, but still.

Isn't it WE the people? If WE let them bend us over, go about it without lube, WE can't really bitch too much, can we. But alas, all of us will.


  1. Actually, I too have been giving this a lot of thought. This is due to the fact that I will soon have a large pile of loans that I'll need to pay back, and the fact that I am desperately unemployed. My dad's initial advice was that, if I still don't have a job by the time my payments start, I should just not pay them at all. Because what are they going to do, take all of my nothing? Somewhere around half of my material possessions are going to get left on a San Francisco street corner. Maybe I should alert my creditors that there is a sweet couch available...

    I'm excited to see this blog develop. The real trick is finding the drive to post often. I've tried and failed several times. Like the man said, sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes the bar, well, he eats you.

  2. Government, big business, and banks will all get us in the end. If we do not pay off these vultures and their predatory loans, the entire country will find themselves in the same position as The Jamboree. I am as fiscally conservative as they come, but I could not imagine the collapse of this country if our entire economic system failed. European socialism is not the answer. The government is praising businesses that make profits, but penalizing the common person by taxing the shit out of them. I do not believe the people that make 200,000 should bear the biggest burden of paying for all of these programs that that our government has. If you keep giving the lazy rat food, do you think it will become any less lazy?- I'm rambling, and I'm sorry Rye. Maybe you could discuss gun control next?!?
